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contoh kalimat common room

"common room" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • I think I'll donate it to the Gryffindors' common room.
    Aku akan menyumbangkannya untuk ruangan Gryffindors.
  • This is the... dining hall... common room... counselor's office
    Ini... ruang makan... ruang santai... kantor konselor
  • Monsignor, there's been a disturbance in the common room.
    Uskup, ada kerusuhan di Ruang Rekreasi.
  • Uh, we have a common room, we have dorm rooms.
    Kita ada ruang umum, Kita ada bilik asrama.
  • We're in the sixth form common room!
    We're in the sixth form common room!
  • Ravenclaw common room, Gotta start somewhere.
    Ravenclaw umum kamar, Harus mulai di suatu tempat.
  • In the common room, hosting a Christmas party.
    Di ruang biasa, membawakan acara Natal.
  • Our Common room was not free.
    Lantai berapa, tuan? - Tolong 31 Itu bukan lantai kita yang biasa.
  • I'll see you back in the common room.
    Sampai nanti di ruang rekreasi.
  • See you in the Common Room, Harry.
    Sampai ketemu di ruang rekreasi, Harry.
  • I'll assemble them in the common room after dinner.
    Aku akan mengumpulkan mereka di ruang bersama setelah makan malam.
  • As long as the common room is open, the song plays.
    Itu peraturannya. Selama ruang rekreasi dibuka, lagu diputar.
  • That whole common room smells like fart.
    Seluruh ruang santai itu bau kentut.
  • We're meeting at the woodford common room.
    Kami ada pertemuan di ruangan Woodford.
  • Welcome to the Gryffindor common room.
    Selamat datang di ruang serbaguna Gryffindor.
  • Pia, we're in the common room
    Pia, kami berada di ruang umum
  • There's a problem in the common room!
    Ada masalah di ruangan umum!
  • This is the senior common room.
    Ini adalah ruang senior.
  • Emergency in the common room !
    Darurat di ruang umum!
  • Back to your common room.
    Kembali ke ruang serbaguna.
  • lebih banyak contoh:   1  2  3